"January”, Plain China: National Anthology of the Best Undergraduate Writing, Winter 2023

“Squishy egg”, Special Edition: Minizine. Coop Zine, 2023

“My Sarah, My Sam”, “Spindle”, “Citrus”, Art, Strike!, 2023

-4.30, -6.20.” Potted Purple, 2023

“Girl”, Issue 4: Letters to My Younger Self, Unfiltered Zine, 2023

“There is no shadow to the lone feather that the child picked from the field.” Unstamatic Magazine, 2022

“Concrete”, “Trays.” Craft Attic, 2022

Glutton”, “Cheek.” Unfiltered Zine, 2022

“A soldier becomes a soldier”, “Mariah”, “Prayer”, “A Mother”, “Pulled”, “Darjeeling without honey”, “Dote”, “I’m Not”, “Nor the Spud”, “Not Sponsored or How to not have cancer while partaking in the bell”, “Unseamed”, “A Midwest Spring.” Outlander Zine, 2022

“Drone.” bordertown, 2022

“Breeze.” Same Faces Collective, 2022

“Cheek”, “Drowned.” Potted Purple, 2021

“Ham on Plates.” Joplin Toad, 2021

“Traipsing”, “Unmoving”, “Glutton.” Wack Mag, 2021

“Cheek.” Living Zine, 2021

“January”, “Kefir”, “Greek”, “Breeze.” bordertown, 2021

“Breeze”, “The Constriction Of A Girl With Four Names.” Potted Purple, 2021

“Breeze.” Primavera Zine, 2021

“Distanced”, “Deokyhe.” Same Faces Collective, 2020